Will You Be Born Again After You Die

What happens when nosotros die?

Different religions hold a wide multifariousness of behavior well-nigh what happens after we dice. For many people, believing that expiry is non the end is a comforting thought. The afterlife brings the promise of reward for skilful people, and punishment for those who accept committed evil deeds. Some believe it may also allow a reunion with loved ones who accept passed abroad. Others believe in that location is no afterlife, and that when we die that is the finish. Can we e'er really know?

Explore the issues

Scout Shola every bit she examines religious and non-religious teachings about expiry and the afterlife.

Reward and punishment

Well-nigh religious people hold that death is not the stop, simply many accept different ideas nearly what happens later life. Christians and Muslims generally believe that when they die God judges them and their souls get to a identify of reward or penalty .

Christians phone call this heaven or hell . Catholic Christians believe in purgatory, which is identify for people who are not evil enough for eternal punishment in hell, but not good enough for heaven. In purgatory they are purified to be accepted into sky.

Muslims call the identify of reward in the afterlife Janna . Jahannam is the word they give to the place of punishment. Janna is described every bit a paradise full of joy and pleasure in the Qur'an, whereas Jahannam is written about every bit a identify of unending punishment.

Many Jewish people as well believe in an afterlife, and that when a person dies, God judges them on how they lived. About Jewish people believe that they should focus on their present life, and non spend as well much fourth dimension thinking about what happens later on death.

Birth and rebirth

Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists believe that people alive through lots of cycles of birth and rebirth. This means when you die, you volition be born again into another life. This cycle is known as samsara . How good or bad the next life will be is decided by how well a person follows their duties on World. These duties are called their dharma .

Karma is a kind of cosmic judgement system: proficient actions collect skilful karma, which help to ensure an enjoyable and happy next life and bad actions collect bad karma, which will result in a future life that is not as positive or joyous.

This statue of the Buddha can exist institute in the Shwemokhtaw Pagoda in Myanmar. Information technology shows the Buddha reclining on a bed during his last affliction, shortly before he died and entered parinirvana, thereby being released from the cycle of samsara.

The goal for Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists is to escape from the cycle of samsara, and spend forever in a country of bliss. Buddhists phone call this nirvana or nibbana , and Hindus and Sikhs call it moksha . Karma and samsara piece of work together to ensure in that location is fairness and that everyone gets what they deserve in the end.

Then, beliefs about life after death for most religious people are about fairness and justice. Whether karma decides the next life or God sends a soul to a place of reward or punishment, most religions teach anybody will confront consequences for how they have lived, and no i volition escape justice in the afterlife.

Words of wisdom

What do religions and not-religious literature and texts have to say about death? Click the movie below to explore wisdom and teachings.

Is death the end?

People who don't believe in God or other types of higher beings may conclude that expiry actually is the terminate. Ideas about divine justice and not really having to dice at all may be a solace to religious people, merely for about atheists (people who believe there is no God or gods) and some agnostics (people who believe nosotros cannot know whether God or gods exist) there isn't plenty testify for believing in a life after expiry.

For many atheists and for some agnostics, death is the terminate, just it'due south not necessarily something to feel frightened or worried about. Information technology means liberty to live without fear of penalty in a next life, and this sometimes motivates people to make the most of their fourth dimension on Earth.

A Jewish grave at Arlington National Cemetery in the USA. It has get a tradition amongst Jews to identify small stones onto graves, rather than flowers or other mementos, in order to call back loved ones who take died.

Life, expiry and the afterlife in pictures

Buddhism – A sky burial

Buddhism – A sky burial

Most people in Tibet are Vajrayana Buddhists and they believe that once the spirit leaves the body after death, the body becomes an empty vessel. In many rocky and mountainous regions of Tibet, information technology is difficult to bury a body, and it can exist hard to find woods to lite cremation fires. For these reasons dead bodies will sometimes left on mountains, to be consumed by vultures. This is chosen a 'sky burying' and is performed by specially trained people, usually monks. Information technology is seen equally a lesson about impermanence, a reminder that nothing lasts forever, and also a last act of generosity past the dead person. Why do yous call back information technology is important for people to show their beliefs about what happens after death through finish of life ceremonies?

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Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkdk382/articles/zbgp7nb#:~:text=Birth%20and%20rebirth&text=This%20means%20when%20you%20die,duties%20are%20called%20their%20dharma.

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