How Does a 56 Year Woman Start Over Again Financially

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image of couples hands praying over Bible for the post What Does it Mean to Be a Submissive Wife?

A submissive married woman. Are you kidding me? You want me to be my husband's slave? You want me to practise everything he tells me to do and bow to him? I hear it all the time from women in online groups and forums. Whether it is assumed that the married woman is to exist a passive participant while her husband bosses her around or that she is to wait on him hand and foot while he does goose egg and barks orders at her; it'due south a common misconception. Being a submissive wife does NOT hateful that you are your married man's slave.

Have you lot ever wondered what submissive means?

To improve understand what it ways to exist a submissive married woman, let's take a closer look at the submissive meaning.

The word submissive is defined equally: inclined or ready to submit or to put oneself under authorization of some other.

Now, let's have a look at what a submissive wife biblically ways. says The Greek give-and-take Paul uses hither in relation to submission is a military term meaning to put oneself in rank under some other. God has ordained the principle of authority and submission in a number of unlike spheres: Citizens are to be subject area to ceremonious authorities (Rom. thirteen:1; Titus 3:one); slaves to their masters (Col. 3:22; Titus 2:9); church members to their leaders (i Cor. xvi:xvi; Titus ii:15; Heb. thirteen:17); children to their parents (Col. iii:twenty); and wives to their husbands (Eph. 5:22, 24; Col. 3:18; Titus 2:5; 1 Pet. three:1). Every time the New Testament speaks to the part of wives, the command is the same: "Be subject to your married man."

image of couples hands praying over Bible for the post What Does it Mean to Be a Submissive Wife?

Notice that describes submit every bit to exist subject field to. Information technology does non say to be a slave to. Biblically, the submissive meaning is to put yourself under the authority of your husband. In Ephesians 5:25, husbands are instructed to, "love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her," and in Ephesians v:22, wife are told to, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord"

When a husband loves his wife every bit he loves the church building and when women focus on their role to love and exist subject to their husbands, according to scripture, wedlock is loving, kind and harmonious, not abusive or a slave to chief relationship.

Submission is a voluntary action by the wife. It is a God-driven desire to delight your husband and act nether his authority just as Christians are to human action under the authority of the church building.

While the husbands are to be the head of the household, the wife is not commanded to keep her oral fissure shut and never requite her opinion on matters. "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the education of kindness is on her tongue. (Proverbs 31:26 ESV) The wife tin can and should share her thoughts on of import family and household topics with her husband but she should exercise so in a style that is pleasing to God. How? Choose your words carefully. Don't fence or endeavor to prove your point but to be right.

In a biblical marriage, the wife is the helpmeet of her married man. She should support him and give counsel. Ultimately, he is to make decisions based on sound biblical knowledge AND his wife's wisdom and faithful instruction. The wife is to back up her husband and dorsum his decisions even when she doesn't agree.

While the Bible instructs women to confront their husbands regarding their sin:

Likewise, wives, be subject area to your own husbands, so that even if some practice not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the acquit of their wives,

1 Peter 3:i (ESV)

It does non say that women should be quiet and use only their actions. The key is HOW women use their words. True submission is demonstrated in both words and deportment. Wives are to submit to their husbands equally husbands are to submit to God. Submissive wives are non doormats!

Often, I hear women lamenting that being submissive doesn't work in today'south globe or that the Bible was written thousands of years ago and that those aforementioned principles don't make sense today. I say "nonsense"! While division of labor in the home has changed drastically throughout history and varies from home to home and marriage to matrimony, the Bible, and God, are unchanging. Husbands are yet to exist the authority in the home and act equally the spiritual leader.

Submissiveness is not timidity, it is not servility, it is not subservience, it is not docility, information technology is not degrading, it is non a sign of weakness.

Submission is a sign of strength, not of weakness and a greater degree of submission requires a greater caste of strength of personal character.

Existence Submissive To Your Husband Means:

  • Supporting his decisions even when y'all don't agree
  • Post-obit his spiritual lead
  • Having a heart toward satisfying your husband

Existence a submissive wife does not mean:

  • Being physically or emotionally abused
  • Beingness forced to practice things that are illegal or immoral only because your husband told you to
  • Going against God's wishes over that of your hubby (For instance, if a non-believing husband tells his married woman that she cannot attend church)

Submissiveness is not timidity, information technology is non servility, it is not subservience, it is not docility, it is not degrading, information technology is not a sign of weakness.Submission is a sign of strength, non of weakness and a greater caste of submission… Click To Tweet

How to be a Submissive Wife to Your Husband:

1. Serve Him Offset

Whether putting dinner on the table or putting his needs above the others in your family, serving him showtime, demonstrates to him and your children that your hubby is the caput of the household. It is showing your hubby the respect that he deserves.

2. Brand an Effort to Take Care of Yourself, Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally

Hey, I know that life is busy, but I likewise know that when you lot are not looking for feeling your best, you lot can't give your best to your husband.

Become plenty of rest, spend time in God's Discussion and brand an effort to look your best. I'one thousand not saying that yous demand to be in makeup, a dress and heels, everyday. I'm just maxim that when you make an effort to look and feel good for your husband, he volition detect and that your spousal relationship volition reap the rewards. (Come across this post on Dazzler is Fleeting).

What can you do to ensure that y'all are taking good care of yourself and making an endeavor for your husband?

3. Make His Home a Haven

When you lot married man comes home after work, does he come home to y'all and kids clamoring for his attention? Toys strewn near the living room? Noise and chaos? Or does he come habitation to a smiling, welcoming family that is relatively not bad?

Yes, your day may have been stressful, too, but I promise you that if you make an endeavor for your husband to come dwelling to a calm domicile, it will give him fourth dimension to "decompress" and he will be react accordingly.

Your husband has been pulled in all directions at work, when he comes abode, his habitation should be a place of refuge and refreshment, non more stress.

Studies have shown, as well, that a disorganized home can foster stress.

What does your married man come dwelling house to?

4. Listen, Pray, And then Respond Lovingly

Many men find advice to exist difficult. When your husband does talk to you lot (be it nigh the conditions, his favorite sports team or an issue at piece of work), listen to him. Don't interrupt. Don't requite your communication. Merely listen. And then ask God how yous should respond.

Just having a sympathetic ear volition foster comfort in your husband to communicate more often.

He may want your opinion or he may just want to vent. Allow him to practice that, safely. And so lovingly reply.

5. Give Your Opinion, but Have His Conclusion

All marriages confront decisions from which eating place to dine at or major decisions similar whether or not relocate.

Calmly share your opinion on the matter, including your rationale for it, but ultimately, these decisions are your hubby's responsibility.

Allow him to sympathise your feelings, but when he makes a decision respect his decision– even if, especially if, you don't agree.

God has given him authority over your dwelling house and spousal relationship for a reason. Respect him and respect God.

He may fail, but don't utilize the old "I told you so". Instead, support him and repeat the procedure (mind, share, pray and accept).

six. Let Him Protect You

Men are natural warriors and protectors. Your hubby wants to do that for you, besides. Are y'all assuasive him to?

God created men to be hunters, providers, generators/producers, fighters/warriors and to achieve, succeed and win.

Are you letting him fight for you? Provide for you lot? Or are you, like me, a naturally strong woman, and struggle with this?

I'm a get-information technology-washed kinda woman. I see a need, I want to fill information technology. I see a wrong, I desire to right it.

My husband, on the other hand, avoids conflict and is much more laid back than me.

When someone hurts us, I have to pray and ask God to help me permit my husband lead and protect us and Non take activity, myself.

How exercise you do in this area?

seven. Put Him Higher up Your Children in the Family Chain of Control (and Importance!)

There is no dearest like that of a mother for her child. I adore my children as I'g sure you lot adore yours. That is a beautiful matter. Until that love becomes an idol or displaces the office of a husband to a wife.

I know. I know. This may seem harsh, but bear with me for a moment.

Nosotros are going to address two biblical realties here. Showtime, God designed marriage to be a three cord strand, not a four, five or half-dozen or more cord strand. In biblical wedlock, God comes starting time then our husbands and ourselves.

While nosotros are to love and care for and nurture our children, we are not to place them before our husbands.

In i Peter 3 , nosotros read:

For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, past submitting to their own husbands,

1 Peter three (ESV)

This means serving your husband his dinner start. It means ownership his favorite snacks at the grocery shop. It ways respecting his needs and his wishes. It ways choosing his wants over your children's wants.

This practice not only pleases God equally it is how He designed marriage, only information technology is modeling a good, God-honoring marriage for your children to run into.

When nosotros put our children get-go, they learn to be cocky-centered. The learn that, fifty-fifty though the Bible says that the husband should be the wife's commencement priority, mom doesn't put much stock in that.

I encourage you to pray and ask God to shine a light on any area of your marriage and maternity that is not pleasing to Him. Information technology may be uncomfortable only it is merely through discomfort that nosotros can abound and live a life that honors God.

eight. Let Him Be Your Champion and Warrior

This is related to assuasive him to protect you lot, but it goes much further. I wait to my hubby every bit my warrior, my hero. He comes correct after God on my list of priorities.

In movies, the champion is adored. People seek him out for communication, action and protection. I seek my husband out the same way. He is my champion and my best friend.

Is your hubby your champion and warrior? Do yous put him first? Or is he simply another mouth to feed and pile of laundry to wash?

Respect him in his function of champion and warrior. Your marriage volition be blest for it.

Utilise the Biblical Principles of a Submissive Wife to Your Marriage

Review the download "30 Ways to Submit to Your Husband Each Day of Your Marriage"

(Delight click the image below for the multi-page download correct out of my grade, The God Centered Marriage)

seven page pdf with Bible verses reminding us of the submissive meaning and how to submit to your husband for the post  Does it Mean to Be a Submissive Wife?

Prayerfully answer the post-obit questions and complete the PDF: 10 Ways I Commit to Being a Submissive Wife to my Hubby (download and print by clicking the paradigm)

image of pdf 10 ways I commit to being submissive to my husband for the post What Does it Mean to Be a Submissive Wife?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the above virtually being a submissive wife? Why or why not?
  • Exercise y'all consider yourself a submissive wife?
  • What does being a submissive married woman hateful to you in the context of biblical instruction?
  • Is there an surface area of your marriage that you lot struggle with terms of being a submissive married woman?
  • What can yous exercise to change that?
  • What is God telling yous about submission?

Prayer for the Submissive Married woman

Dear Lord, please assist me to understand what it ways to submit, to You, Lord, and to my husband. The world tells us that submission is a bad affair. In a mean solar day where Your ways are not accepted, delight aid me to remain stiff and live equally the wife Y'all created me to be. Evidence me what it means to submit to my married man in marriage.

Help me to remain humble and gentle. Please help us to submit our hearts to you, Lord. Give thanks y'all for the souvenir of your grace that lives in me so I can live every bit You've called me to live. Your Word says that I'm to submit to my married man as to You (Ephesians 5:22). I need your help with that, Begetter.

Shield me from others who say that it is weak to submit. Remind me that submission is strength and that I need Your aid to live that way. Delight give me grace to face adversity and assist me to look to You when I am faced with the opinions of others in this affair.

Male parent God, help me to utilize words that build upwards and not tear downwards and to be a positive, godly influence in my husband's life. Remind me, though, that I am to submit and non battle him. Allow me to see the beauty in submission and following what Yous say about marriage.

Heavenly Father, assistance us to keep our optics fixed on you and to always identify Y'all at the center of our marriage.


Practice you agree or disagree with the higher up about being a submissive wife? Practice you consider yourself a submissive married woman? What questions do yous have most being a submissive wife?

In the comments below, share what that ways to you in the context of biblical pedagogy. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

Here are my recommendations for books on the subject if y'all would like to learn more than nigh being a biblically submissive wife:

Submission Is Not Silence Paperback by Elisabeth Julin

The Submissive Wife: Breaking the Strong Arm of Jezebel Paperback by Tiffany Buckner

Or listen to them on Aural Plus with a free trial!

You may also savor this brief video past Pursue God:

In His perfect love and my imperfect love,


To read nearly what it means to be a Proverbs 31 woman in today's globe, check out the post HERE

ESV – "Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 past Crossway, a publishing ministry of Practiced News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved."


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